This tutorial will guide you through creating a module script, which provides a function allowing registration for a particular event. We will place the module script in ServerStorage, making it available on demand without auto-replication to clients. A test script, placed in the ServerScriptService, will run at server startup, registering to the PlayerAdded event and utilizing our module script.

Our event will trigger each time a player jumps, and the function registering to this event will simply print a statement in the output.

Step 1: Creating the Module Script

  1. Navigate to the ServerStorage folder in your project.
  2. Click the plus icon on the right side of folder, from the list of possible objects select ModuleScript.
  3. Rename the new module script to JumpEventModule.

Input the following code:

local JumpEventModule = {}

function JumpEventModule.CreateJumpEventForPlayer(targetPlayer:Player)
  local jumpEvent ="BindableEvent")

  local function onCharacterAdded(character:Instance)
    local playerHumanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

    if playerHumanoid ~= nil then
        if playerHumanoid.Jump then


  return jumpEvent.Event

return JumpEventModule

In this script, JumpEventModule is a table that will hold our functions. CreateJumpEventForPlayer is a function that creates a new BindableEvent each time a player character is added to the game. We then listen for a change in the Jump property of the player’s humanoid. If this property changes (i.e., the player jumps), the jumpEvent fires.

Step 2: Adding a Script to the ServerScriptService

  1. Navigate to the ServerScriptService in your project.
  2. Right-click within the folder, select Script, then select Script from the dropdown menu. This will create a new script.
  3. Replace the contents of this script with the following code:
local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorageService = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local JumpEventModule = require(ServerStorageService.JumpEventModule)

local function onPlayerJoined(targetPlayer:Player)
    print(targetPlayer.Name .. " has jumped!")


In this script, PlayersService and ServerStorageService are references to the Players and ServerStorage services. JumpEventModule is a reference to the module script we created earlier. The onPlayerJoined function connects to the PlayerAdded event of the PlayersService, listening for when a new player joins the game. Upon a player joining, it registers to the jump event we created in the module script, printing a message whenever the player jumps.

By following these steps, you’ve now created a system that detects and responds to each player’s jump action.

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