In this tutorial, we will modulate the player’s size in a cyclic manner. To accomplish this, we will use BindableFunction and BindableEvent. Each time the player jumps, a BindableEvent will be triggered. The total number of jumps will be tracked and made available through a BindableFunction. The rationale behind using BindableFunction and BindableEvent is to facilitate the integration of these events with multiple game functions. In this context, we are only manipulating the player’s size, but these events could also be used to award points for jumping or alter the player’s colors. Hence, our goal is to maximize code reusability. Our code will be divided into two sections: the creation of events and the implementation of events to manipulate the player’s size. Each section will be placed in a separate script.

Part 1: Startup script – Creation of BindableFunction and BindableEvent

In the startup script, we create a BindableFunction and BindableEvent.

BindableFunction is an object in Roblox that allows a function to be invoked across different scripts or instances. It allows for loose coupling, as components don’t need to know about each other and only require the BindableFunction’s name. Its important to know that usage of BindableFunction should be done on the same side of the client-server boundary – either only on client or only on server. If you need to cross this boundary then use RemoteFunction. BindableFunction allows to return a value to its caller, this means it should be

BindableEvent, similar to BindableFunction, is a feature that allows an event to be listened for across different scripts or instances.

General way of coding a BindableFunction is presented below:

local bindableFunction ="BindableFunction")
bindableFunction.Name = "SomeBindableFunction" -- This is the name of this instance
bindableFunction.Parent = humanoid -- Indicates that it will be stored with the humanoid part of our player

You also need to attach to bindableFunction actual function which will be called:

bindableFunction.OnInvoke = function()
   return 123

Then to call this function in some distant script use this code:

-- Get function instance, its parent was set to humanoid instance of our player, 
-- so we need to first find player, get its humanoid which will contain our
-- BindableFunction instance. All of this is demonstrated in the full source
-- code listings later on.
local someBindableFunction = humanoid:WaitForChild("SomeBindableFunction")

-- To call it use
local value = someBindableFunction:Invoke() -- value, after call will be equal to 123

Now, after a short introduction to BindableEvent and its usage, lets implement it in our game. In this script, BindableEvent ‘Jumped’ will fire when the player jumps. Meanwhile, BindableFunction ‘JumpedCount’ will return the total count of jumps when invoked.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")  -- Gets the service that handles players in the game

function OnPlayerAdded(player: Player)
  local function OnCharacterAdded(character: Instance)
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")  -- Looks for a Humanoid instance in the character

    if humanoid ~= nil then  -- Check if a humanoid instance is found
      local jumpCount = 0

      local jumped ="BindableEvent")  -- Create a BindableEvent
      jumped.Name = "Jumped"  -- Set its name
      jumped.Parent = humanoid  -- Attach it to the humanoid

      local timesJumped ="BindableFunction")  -- Create a BindableFunction
      timesJumped.Name = "JumpedCount"  -- Set its name
      timesJumped.Parent = humanoid  -- Attach it to the humanoid

      humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Jump"):Connect(function()  -- This function runs when the "Jump" property of humanoid changes
        if humanoid.Jump == true then  -- If Jump is true, the player has jumped
          jumpCount += 1  -- Increment the jumpCount
          jumped:Fire()  -- Fire the jumped event

      timesJumped.OnInvoke = function()  -- The function to be invoked by BindableFunction
        return jumpCount  -- Returns the total jumps the player has made
  player.CharacterAdded:Connect(OnCharacterAdded)  -- Connects to the event that fires when the player's character is added to the game

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(OnPlayerAdded)  -- Connects to the event that fires when a player enters the game

Part 2: GrowAndShrinkPlayer script – Use of BindableFunction and BindableEvent to grow and shrink player

This second script listens to the ‘Jumped’ event and gets the count of jumps using ‘JumpedCount’ function. The size of the player’s character is adjusted according to the number of jumps.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")  -- Gets the service that handles players in the game
function OnPlayerAdded(player: Player)
  local function OnCharacterAdded(character: Instance)
    local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")  -- Looks for a Humanoid instance in the character
    if humanoid ~= nil then  -- Check if a humanoid instance is found
      -- Getting the bindable instances
      local jumped = humanoid:WaitForChild("Jumped")
      local timesJumped = humanoid:WaitForChild("JumpedCount")
        if jumped and timesJumped then  -- Checks if the bindable instances exist
          jumped.Event:Connect(function()  -- Listens to the jumped event
            local jumpCount = timesJumped:Invoke()  -- Invoke the function to get the jump count
            local newSize = math.sin(jumpCount/(2*math.pi))+1.5  -- Calculate the new size
            humanoid.BodyHeightScale.Value = newSize  -- Adjust the size of the humanoid
  player.CharacterAdded:Connect(OnCharacterAdded)  -- Connects to the event that fires when the player's character is added to the game
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(OnPlayerAdded)  -- Connects to the event that fires when a player enters the game

The second script resizes the player’s character each time the player jumps, using the total count of jumps to determine the new size. This is achieved by a sine function to create a cycle, plus a constant of 1.5 to prevent the player from shrinking too much. Please adjust this factor according to your needs. It is important to note that the player’s character will need a humanoid to exist in the workspace before this script is effective.

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